class HTTPX::Request

  1. lib/httpx/request.rb
  2. lib/httpx/request/body.rb
  3. show all
Superclass: Object

Defines how an HTTP request is handled internally, both in terms of making attributes accessible, as well as maintaining the state machine which manages streaming the request onto the wire.

Included modules

  1. Callbacks

Classes and Modules

  1. HTTPX::Request::Body


USER_AGENT = "httpx.rb/#{VERSION}"  

default value used for “user-agent” header, when not overridden.


body [R]

an HTTPX::Request::Body object containing the request body payload (or nil, whenn there is none).

drain_error [R]

Exception raised during enumerable body writes.

headers [R]

an HTTPX::Headers object containing the request HTTP headers.

options [R]

an HTTPX::Options object containing request options.

peer_address [RW]

The IP address from the peer server.

persistent [W]
response [R]

the corresponding HTTPX::Response object, when there is one.

state [R]

a symbol describing which frame is currently being flushed.

uri [R]

the absolute URI object for this request.

verb [R]

the upcased string HTTP verb for this request.

Public Class methods

new(verb, uri, options = {})

initializes the instance with the given verb, an absolute or relative uri, and the request options.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/request.rb
51 def initialize(verb, uri, options = {})
52   @verb    = verb.to_s.upcase
53   @options =
54   @uri     = Utils.to_uri(uri)
55   if @uri.relative?
56     origin = @options.origin
57     raise(Error, "invalid URI: #{@uri}") unless origin
59     base_path = @options.base_path
61     @uri = origin.merge("#{base_path}#{@uri}")
62   end
64   @headers = @options.headers.dup
65   @headers["user-agent"] ||= USER_AGENT
66   @headers["accept"]     ||= "*/*"
68   @body =, @options)
69   @state = :idle
70   @response = nil
71   @peer_address = nil
72   @persistent = @options.persistent
73 end

Public Instance methods


returs the URI authority of the request.

session.build_request("GET", "").authority #=> ""
session.build_request("GET", "http://internal:3182/a").authority #=> "internal:3182"
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
153 def authority
154   @uri.authority
155 end

consumes and returns the next available chunk of request body that can be sent

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
183 def drain_body
184   return nil if @body.nil?
186   @drainer ||= @body.each
187   chunk =
189   emit(:body_chunk, chunk)
190   chunk
191 rescue StopIteration
192   nil
193 rescue StandardError => e
194   @drain_error = e
195   nil
196 end

whether the request supports the 100-continue handshake and already processed the 100 response.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
244 def expects?
245   @headers["expect"] == "100-continue" && @informational_status == 100 && !@response
246 end


[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
199 def inspect
200   "#<HTTPX::Request:#{object_id} " \
201     "#{@verb} " \
202     "#{uri} " \
203     "@headers=#{@headers} " \
204     "@body=#{@body}>"
205 end

returns :r or :w, depending on whether the request is waiting for a response or flushing.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
103 def interests
104   return :r if @state == :done || @state == :expect
106   :w
107 end
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
109 def merge_headers(h)
110   @headers = @headers.merge(h)
111 end

returs the URI origin of the request.

session.build_request("GET", "").authority #=> ""
session.build_request("GET", "http://internal:3182/a").authority #=> "http://internal:3182"
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
161 def origin
162   @uri.origin
163 end

returnns the URI path of the request uri.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
141 def path
142   path = uri.path.dup
143   path =  +"" if path.nil?
144   path << "/" if path.empty?
145   path << "?#{query}" unless query.empty?
146   path
147 end
[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/request.rb
90 def persistent?
91   @persistent
92 end

returs the URI query string of the request (when available).

session.build_request("GET", "").query #=> ""
session.build_request("GET", "").query #=> "q=a"
session.build_request("GET", "", params: { q: "a"}).query #=> "q=a"
session.build_request("GET", "", params: { foo: "bar"}).query #=> "q=a&foo&bar"
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
171 def query
172   return @query if defined?(@query)
174   query = []
175   if (q = @options.params)
176     query << Transcoder::Form.encode(q)
177   end
178   query << @uri.query if @uri.query
179   @query = query.join("&")
180 end

the read timeout defied for this requet.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/request.rb
76 def read_timeout
77   @options.timeout[:read_timeout]
78 end

the request timeout defied for this requet.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/request.rb
86 def request_timeout
87   @options.timeout[:request_timeout]
88 end

sets the response on this request.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
119 def response=(response)
120   return unless response
122   if response.is_a?(Response) && response.status < 200
123     # deal with informational responses
125     if response.status == 100 && @headers.key?("expect")
126       @informational_status = response.status
127       return
128     end
130     # 103 Early Hints advertises resources in document to browsers.
131     # not very relevant for an HTTP client, discard.
132     return if response.status >= 103
133   end
135   @response = response
137   emit(:response_started, response)
138 end

the URI scheme of the request uri.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
114 def scheme
115   @uri.scheme
116 end
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
 98 def trailers
 99   @trailers ||=
100 end
[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/request.rb
94 def trailers?
95   defined?(@trailers)
96 end

moves on to the nextstate of the request state machine (when all preconditions are met)

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/request.rb
209 def transition(nextstate)
210   case nextstate
211   when :idle
212     @body.rewind
213     @response = nil
214     @drainer = nil
215   when :headers
216     return unless @state == :idle
217   when :body
218     return unless @state == :headers ||
219                   @state == :expect
221     if @headers.key?("expect")
222       if @informational_status && @informational_status == 100
223         # check for 100 Continue response, and deallocate the var
224         # if @informational_status == 100
225         #   @response = nil
226         # end
227       else
228         return if @state == :expect # do not re-set it
230         nextstate = :expect
231       end
232     end
233   when :trailers
234     return unless @state == :body
235   when :done
236     return if @state == :expect
237   end
238   @state = nextstate
239   emit(@state, self)
240   nil
241 end

the write timeout defied for this requet.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/request.rb
81 def write_timeout
82   @options.timeout[:write_timeout]
83 end