module HTTPX::Plugins::CircuitBreaker::OptionsMethods

  1. lib/httpx/plugins/circuit_breaker.rb

adds support for the following options:


the number of attempts the circuit allows, before it is opened (defaults to 3).


the time a circuit stays open at most, before it resets (defaults to 60).


callable defining an alternative rule for a response to break (i.e. ->(res) { res.status == 429 } )


the time that must elapse before an open circuit can transit to the half-open state (defaults to <60).


the rate of requests a circuit allows to be performed when in an half-open state (defaults to 1).

Public Instance methods

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/plugins/circuit_breaker.rb
125 def option_circuit_breaker_break_in(value)
126   timeout = Float(value)
127   raise TypeError, ":circuit_breaker_break_in must be positive" unless timeout.positive?
129   timeout
130 end
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/plugins/circuit_breaker.rb
139 def option_circuit_breaker_break_on(value)
140   raise TypeError, ":circuit_breaker_break_on must be called with the response" unless value.respond_to?(:call)
142   value
143 end
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/plugins/circuit_breaker.rb
132 def option_circuit_breaker_half_open_drip_rate(value)
133   ratio = Float(value)
134   raise TypeError, ":circuit_breaker_half_open_drip_rate must be a number between 0 and 1" unless (0..1).cover?(ratio)
136   ratio
137 end
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/plugins/circuit_breaker.rb
111 def option_circuit_breaker_max_attempts(value)
112   attempts = Integer(value)
113   raise TypeError, ":circuit_breaker_max_attempts must be positive" unless attempts.positive?
115   attempts
116 end
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/plugins/circuit_breaker.rb
118 def option_circuit_breaker_reset_attempts_in(value)
119   timeout = Float(value)
120   raise TypeError, ":circuit_breaker_reset_attempts_in must be positive" unless timeout.positive?
122   timeout
123 end