class HTTPX::Response

  1. lib/httpx/response.rb
  2. lib/httpx/response/body.rb
  3. lib/httpx/response/buffer.rb
  4. lib/httpx/transcoder/utils/deflater.rb
  5. show all
Superclass: Object

Defines a HTTP response is handled internally, with a few properties exposed as attributes.

It delegates the following methods to the corresponding HTTPX::Request:

It implements (indirectly, via the body) the IO write protocol to internally buffer payloads.

It implements the IO reader protocol in order for users to buffer/stream it, acts as an enumerable (of payload chunks).

Included modules

  1. Callbacks


body [R]

a HTTPX::Response::Body object wrapping the response body. The following methods are delegated to it:

headers [R]

an HTTPX::Headers object containing the response HTTP headers.

status [R]

the HTTP response status code

version [R]

The HTTP protocol version used to fetch the response.

Public Class methods

new(request, status, version, headers)

inits the instance with the corresponding request to this response, an the response HTTP status, version and HTTPX::Headers instance of headers.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/response.rb
66 def initialize(request, status, version, headers)
67   @request = request
68   @options = request.options
69   @version = version
70   @status = Integer(status)
71   @headers =
72   @body =, @options)
73   @finished = complete?
74   @content_type = nil
75 end

Public Instance methods


writes data chunk into the response body.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/response.rb
83 def <<(data)
84   @body.write(data)
85 end

returns whether the response contains body payload.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
107 def bodyless?
108   @request.verb == "HEAD" ||
109     @status < 200 || # informational response
110     @status == 204 ||
111     @status == 205 ||
112     @status == 304 || begin
113       content_length = @headers["content-length"]
114       return false if content_length.nil?
116       content_length == "0"
117     end
118 end
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
120 def complete?
121   bodyless? || (@request.verb == "CONNECT" && @status == 200)
122 end

returns the HTTPX::ContentType for the response, as per what’s declared in the content-type header.

response.content_type #=> #<HTTPX::ContentType:xxx @header_value="text/plain">
response.content_type.mime_type #=> "text/plain"
[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/response.rb
91 def content_type
92   @content_type ||=["content-type"])
93 end

returns an instance of HTTPX::HTTPError if the response has a 4xx or 5xx status code, or nothing.

ok_response.error #=> nil
not_found_response.error #=> HTTPX::HTTPError instance, status 404
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
139 def error
140   return if @status < 400
143 end

marks the response as finished, freezes the headers.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
101 def finish!
102   @finished = true
103   @headers.freeze
104 end

returns whether the response has been fully fetched.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/response.rb
96 def finished?
97   @finished
98 end

decodes the response payload into a ruby object if the payload is valid “application/x-www-urlencoded” or “multipart/form-data”.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
165 def form
166   decode(Transcoder::Form)
167 end


[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
125 def inspect
126   "#<Response:#{object_id} " \
127     "HTTP/#{version} " \
128     "@status=#{@status} " \
129     "@headers=#{@headers} " \
130     "@body=#{@body.bytesize}>"
131 end

decodes the response payload into a ruby object if the payload is valid json.

response.json #≈> { "foo" => "bar" } for "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}" payload
response.json(symbolize_names: true) #≈> { foo: "bar" } for "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}" payload
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
159 def json(*args)
160   decode(Transcoder::JSON, *args)
161 end

merges headers defined in h into the response headers.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/response.rb
78 def merge_headers(h)
79   @headers = @headers.merge(h)
80 end

it raises the exception returned by error, or itself otherwise.

ok_response.raise_for_status #=> ok_response
not_found_response.raise_for_status #=> raises HTTPX::HTTPError exception
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
149 def raise_for_status
150   return self unless (err = error)
152   raise err
153 end
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
169 def xml
170   # TODO: remove at next major version.
171   warn "DEPRECATION WARNING: calling `.#{__method__}` on plain HTTPX responses is deprecated. " \
172        "Use HTTPX.plugin(:xml) sessions and call `.#{__method__}` in its responses instead."
173   require "httpx/plugins/xml"
174   decode(Plugins::XML::Transcoder)
175 end