
Last Update: 2024-10-21 15:18:30 +0000



:write_timeout, :read_timeout and :request_timeout


The following timeouts are now supported:

  • :write_timeout: total time (in seconds) to write a request to the server;

  • :read_timeout: total time (in seconds) to read a response from the server;

  • :request_timeout: tracks both of the above (time to write the request and read a response);

HTTPX.with(timeout: { request_timeout: 60}).get(...

Just like :connect_timeout, the new timeouts are deadline-oriented, rather than op-oriented, meaning that they do not reset on each socket operation (as most ruby HTTP clients do).

None of them has a default value, in order not to break integrations, but that’ll change in a future v1, where they’ll become the default timeouts.

Circuit Breaker plugin


The :circuit_breaker plugin wraps around errors happening when performing HTTP requests, and support options for setting maximum number of attempts before circuit opens (:circuit_breaker_max_attempts), period after which attempts should be reset (:circuit_breaker_reset_attempts_in), timespan until circuit half-opens (circuit_breaker_break_in), respective half-open drip rate (:circuit_breaker_half_open_drip_rate), and a callback to do your own check on whether a response has failed, in case you want HTTP level errors to be marked as failed attempts (:circuit_breaker_break_on).

Read the wiki for more info about the defaults.

http = HTTPX.plugin(:circuit_breaker)
# that's it!

WebDAV plugin


The :webdav introduces some “convenience” methods to perform common WebDAV operations.

webdav = HTTPX.plugin(:webdav, origin: "http://webdav-server")
              .plugin(:digest_authentication).digest_auth("user", "pass")

res = webdav.put("/file.html", body: "this is the file body")
res = webdav.copy("/file.html", "/newdir/copy.html")
# ...

XML transcoder, :xml option and response.xml

A new transcoder was added fot the XML mime type, which requires "nokogiri" to be installed. It can both serialize Nokogiri nodes in a request, and parse response content into nokogiri nodes:

response = HTTPX.post("https://xml-server.com", xml: Nokogiri::XML("<xml ..."))
response.xml #=> #(Document:0x16e4 { name = "document", children = ...


:proxy plugin: :no_proxy option

Support was added, in the :proxy plugin, to declare domains, either via regexp patterns, or strings, for which requests should bypass the proxy.

http = HTTPX.plugin(:proxy).with_proxy(
    uri: "",
    no_proxy: ["gitlab.local", /*.google.com/]
http.get("https://duckduckgo.com/?q=httpx") #=> proxied
http.get("https://google.com/?q=httpx") #=> not proxied
http.get("https://gitlab.com") #=> proxied
http.get("https://gitlab.local") #=> not proxied

OOTB support for other JSON libraries

If one of multi_json, oj or yajl is available, all httpx operations doing JSON parsing or dumping will use it (the json standard library will be used otherwise).

require "oj"
require "httpx"

response = HTTPX.post("https://somedomain.json", json: { "foo" => "bar" }) # will use "oj"
puts response.json # will use "oj"


  • :expect plugin: :expect_timeout can accept floats (not just integers).


  • DoH :https resolver: support was removed for the “application/dns-json” mime-type (it was only supported in practice by the Google DoH resolver, which has since added support for the standardized “application/dns-message”).