class HTTPX::ErrorResponse

  1. lib/httpx/response.rb
Superclass: Object

Wraps an error which has happened while processing an HTTP Request. It has partial public API parity with HTTPX::Response, so users should rely on it to infer whether the returned response is one or the other.

response = HTTPX.get("https://some-domain/path") #=> response is HTTPX::Response or HTTPX::ErrorResponse
response.raise_for_status #=> raises if it wraps an error


Public Class

  1. new

Public Instance

  1. <<
  2. close
  3. error
  4. finished?
  5. raise_for_status
  6. request
  7. response
  8. to_s

Included modules

  1. Loggable


error [R]

the wrapped exception.

request [R]

the corresponding HTTPX::Request instance.

response [R]

the HTTPX::Response instance, when there is one (i.e. error happens fetching the response).

Public Class methods

new(request, error, options)
[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
250 def initialize(request, error, options)
251   @request = request
252   @response = request.response if request.response.is_a?(Response)
253   @error = error
254   @options =
255   log_exception(@error)
256 end

Public Instance methods


buffers lost chunks to error response

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
279 def <<(data)
280   @response << data
281 end

closes the error resources.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
264 def close
265   @response.close if @response && @response.respond_to?(:close)
266 end

always true for error responses.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
269 def finished?
270   true
271 end

raises the wrapped exception.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
274 def raise_for_status
275   raise @error
276 end

returns the exception full message.

[show source]
    # File lib/httpx/response.rb
259 def to_s
260   @error.full_message(highlight: false)
261 end