Documentation for OAuth Application Management feature¶ ↑
The oauth_application_management feature provides OAuth Client Application Management interfaces, so users are able to create/read/edit their own applications.
This feature depends on the oauth_base feature.
Auth Value Methods¶ ↑
oauth_application_required_params |
fields required when submitting a new client application, |
oauth_application_client_id_param: form parameter for a client application client id, client_id
by default. oauth_application_client_secret_param: form parameter for a client application client secret, client_secret
by default. oauth_application_redirect_uri_param: form parameter for a client application redirect URI, redirect_uri
by default. oauth_application_name_param: form parameter for a client application name, name
by default. oauth_application_description_param: form parameter for a client application description, description
by default. oauth_application_scopes_param: form parameter for a client application scopes, scopes
by default. oauth_application_homepage_url_param: form parameter for a client application homepage URL, homepage_url
by default.
oauth_applications_id_pattern |
pattern matcher to retrieve the client application ID from the URL, |
oauth_applications_oauth_grants_path |
URL sub-path used for a client application’s oauth grants views, |
invalid_url_message |
error description for the “invalid_url” OAuth error code, |
null_error_message |
error description for the “null_error” OAuth error code, |
oauth_applications_per_page |
max number of oauth applications to list in the oauth applications route. |
oauth_grants_per_page |
max number of oauth grants to list in the routes listing oauth tokens. |
new_oauth_application_page_title |
Title for the new OAuth application form. |
oauth_application_page_title |
Title for an OAuth application page. |
oauth_applications_page_title |
Title for the OAuth applications page. |
oauth_application_oauth_grants_page_title |
Title for the OAuth grants page for a given application. |
oauth_applications_client_id_label |
Form label for the oauth application client ID. |
oauth_applications_name_label |
Form label for the oauth application name. |
oauth_applications_client_secret_label |
Form label for the oauth application client secret. |
oauth_applications_description_label |
Form label for the oauth application description. |
oauth_applications_homepage_url_label |
Form label for the oauth application homepage URL. |
oauth_applications_redirect_uri_label |
Form label for the oauth application redirect URI. |
oauth_applications_scopes_label |
Form label for the oauth application scopes. |
oauth_applications_contacts_label |
Form label for the oauth application contacts. |
oauth_applications_jwks_label |
Form label for the oauth application JSON Web Keys. |
oauth_applications_jwks_uri_label |
Form label for the oauth application URI where to load JSON Web Keys from. |
oauth_applications_policy_uri_label |
Form label for the oauth application Policy URI. |
oauth_applications_tos_uri_label |
Form label for the oauth application Terms of Service URI. |
oauth_grants_expires_in_label |
Label for the oauth grant expires in property. |
oauth_grants_revoked_at_label |
Label for the oauth grant revocation date. |
oauth_grants_refresh_token_label |
Label for the oauth grant refresh token. |
oauth_grants_token_label |
Label for the oauth grant. |
oauth_grants_type_label |
Label for the oauth grant type. |
oauth_application_button |
Label of OAuth application form button. |
oauth_grant_revoke_button |
Label for the grant revoke button. |
oauth_application_client_id_param |
Form input for the oauth application client ID. |
oauth_application_client_secret_param |
Form input for the oauth application client secert. |
oauth_application_description_param |
Form input for the oauth application description. |
oauth_application_homepage_url_param |
Form input for the oauth application homepage URL. |
oauth_application_name_param |
Form input for the oauth application name. |
oauth_application_redirect_uri_param |
Form input for the oauth application redirect URI. |
oauth_application_scopes_param |
Form input for the oauth application scopes. |
oauth_applications_route |
the route for accessing oauth applications, defaults to |
create_oauth_application_error_flash |
The flash error to display when there were submission errors creating an Oauth application. |
create_oauth_application_notice_flash |
The flash message to display when an Oauth application is created successfully. |
oauth_no_applications_text |
Lead text when applications list is empty. |
oauth_no_grants_text |
Lead text when grants list is empty. |
Auth Methods¶ ↑
oauth_application_path |
URL sub-path used for a client application view. |
before_create_oauth_application |
Run arbitrary code before creating an oauth application (through the application endpoint). |
after_create_oauth_application |
Run arbitrary code after creating an oauth application (through the application endpoint). |
oauth_applications_view |
The HTML of the Oauth applications dashboard. |
oauth_application_view |
The HTML of an Oauth application page. |
new_oauth_application_view |
The HTML of a new Oauth application form. |
oauth_application_oauth_grants_view |
The HTML of the Oauth application grants dashboard. |