class HTTPX::Session

  1. lib/httpx/session.rb
Superclass: Object

Class implementing the APIs being used publicly.

HTTPX.get(..) #=> delegating to an internal HTTPX::Session object.
HTTPX.plugin(..).get(..) #=> creating an intermediate HTTPX::Session with plugin, then sending the GET request


Public Class

  1. new

Public Instance

  1. build_request
  2. close
  3. request
  4. wrap

Included modules

  1. Loggable
  2. Chainable


EMPTY_HASH = {}.freeze  

Public Class methods

new(options = EMPTY_HASH, &blk)

initializes the session with a set of options, which will be shared by all requests sent from it.

When pass a block, it’ll yield itself to it, then closes after the block is evaluated.

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/session.rb
18 def initialize(options = EMPTY_HASH, &blk)
19   @options = self.class.default_options.merge(options)
20   @responses = {}
21   @persistent = @options.persistent
22   wrap(&blk) if blk
23 end

Public Instance methods

build_request(verb, uri, options = EMPTY_HASH)

returns a HTTP::Request instance built from the HTTP verb, the request uri, and the optional set of request-specific options. This request must be sent through the same session it was built from.

req = session.build_request("GET", "")
resp = session.request(req)
[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/session.rb
84 def build_request(verb, uri, options = EMPTY_HASH)
85   rklass = @options.request_class
86   options = @options.merge(options) unless options.is_a?(Options)
87   request =, uri, options)
88   request.persistent = @persistent
89   set_request_callbacks(request)
90   request
91 end

closes all the active connections from the session

[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/session.rb
44 def close(*args)
45   pool.close(*args)
46 end
request(*args, **options)

performs one, or multple requests; it accepts:

  1. one or multiple HTTPX::Request objects;

  2. an HTTP verb, then a sequence of URIs or URI/options tuples;

  3. one or multiple HTTP verb / uri / (optional) options tuples;

when present, the set of options kwargs is applied to all of the sent requests.

respectively returns a single HTTPX::Response response, or all of them in an Array, in the same order.

resp1 = session.request(req1)
resp1, resp2 = session.request(req1, req2)
resp1 = session.request("GET", "")
resp1, resp2 = session.request("GET", ["", ""])
resp1, resp2 = session.request(["GET", ""], ["GET", ""])
resp1 = session.request("POST", "", form: { "foo" => "bar" })
resp1, resp2 = session.request(["POST", "", form: { "foo" => "bar" }], ["GET", ""])
resp1, resp2 = session.request("GET", ["", ""], headers: { "x-api-token" => "TOKEN" })
[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/session.rb
68 def request(*args, **options)
69   raise ArgumentError, "must perform at least one request" if args.empty?
71   requests = args.first.is_a?(Request) ? args : build_requests(*args, options)
72   responses = send_requests(*requests)
73   return responses.first if responses.size == 1
75   responses
76 end

Yields itself the block, then closes it after the block is evaluated.

session.wrap do |http|
end # wikipedia connection closes here
[show source]
   # File lib/httpx/session.rb
30 def wrap
31   prev_persistent = @persistent
32   @persistent = true
33   pool.wrap do
34     begin
35       yield self
36     ensure
37       @persistent = prev_persistent
38       close unless @persistent
39     end
40   end
41 end