
HTTPX tries to hide the gory details of protocol handling. However, it can expose them with its “debug” mode (with verbosity levels), which outputs connection state, HTTP headers/payload, HTTP/2 frames, all that might be considered relevant for internal debugging purposes, or even just for bug reporting.

You can enable it either by using session or request options (for single-request debugging), or using environment variables (for whole process debugging).


You can use the :debug option to enable debugging and set the debugging stream (anything that responds to #<<(String), like STDERR) and :debug_level to set the verbosity level (1 or 2, the latter being more verbose):

HTTPX.with(debug: STDERR, debug_level: 2).get("")


You can use the HTTPX_DEBUG to set the level of debugging from outside your program. This is very useful for script-based debugging:

> HTTPX_DEBUG=1 bundle exec ruby my_debugging_script_with_httpx.rb

When HTTPX_DEBUG is used, the logs will be written to standard error.

Debug Levels

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