
http-2 1.0.0, a fork's tale

TL;DR The http-2-next gem has been officially archived, and has been replaced by http-2 (the gem http-2-next was originally forked from) as the only direct dependency of httpx, after being merged back into the latter.


The state of HTTP clients, or why you should use httpx

TL;DR most http clients you’ve been using since the ruby heyday are either broken, unmaintained, or stale, and you should be using httpx nowadays.


Introducing tobox

tobox is a framework-as-a-gem I’ve been developing over the last year, to solve a particular requirement: guarantee that callback/post-action tasks and emission of events resulting from a business transaction stored in the database happen 100% of the time.


Aggregating data for analytics using postgresql, ruby and sequel

At my dayjob, I’ve been working, for the most of this year of our lord 2022, in a team taking this new flagship product from “alpha” to “general availability”. With products in such an early stage, you don’t know a lot of things: what your users want, how they will use (or you want them to use) the platform, whether the thing you’re building is as valuable as you think it is. In such a stage, the most important skill you should have, as a team building and maintaining a product, is to be able to ship features quickly; the sooner you know what “sticks” with your userbase, the sooner you’ll know how worthwhile will it be to improve it, whether to “pivot” to something else, or whether you’re better off throwing it all away.


How to "bundle install" in deployment mode, using bundler in docker