Access Type

The Access Type feature was something I “stole” from Google’s OAuth options.

It is a way of forcing the generation of access tokens to require a new explicit grant, by making grants non-refreshable.

Who is it for

Applications which require that every access token be explicitly granted by the resource owner.

How to enable it

You can enable it like this:

plugin :rodauth do
  enable :oauth_authorization_code_grant
  use_oauth_access_type? true

How to use it

You can provide these extra parameters to the authorization URL, in order to generate “online” grants:

  • access_type: when set to “online”, a successful grant will generate a non-refreshable access token;
  • approval_prompt(default: “force”): when “force”, it will always show the authorization form, in order for the resource owner to explicitly authorize; when “auto”, it will only do so on the first “online” grant for the combination of scopes/application/redirect uri, otherwise it will auto-submit the authorization request;



You can add the following column to the oauth grants table:

String :access_type, null: false, default: "offline"

And you can remove the refresh token column as well.
