The refresh token grant can be used with a longer-lived refresh token requesting the token endpoint for a new token.
It’s enabled by default, with any rodauth-oauth
plugin :rodauth do
enable :oauth_authorization_code_grant # for example
The endpoint for refreshing the token is, as per RFC, the same one for generating access tokens.
The request will have to contain:
: must be "refresh_token"
: the refresh token;A successful refresh of a token will send back the following parameters in the response JSON body:
: a new access token;token_type
: the type of token;expires_in
: number of seconds after which the new access token expires;refresh_token
: a new refresh token (or the same, see the “protection policy” below);A failed request will get the following parameters in the response JSON body:
: the code error, as per RFC;error_description
: the description of the error;require "httpx"
response ="",json: {
client_id: ENV["CLIENT_ID"],
client_secret: ENV["CLIENT_SECRET"],
grant_type: "refresh_token",
token: "2r90j212j901jdf9jdj9dj0n"
payload = JSON.parse(response.to_s)
puts payload #=> {"access_token" => "awr23f3h8f9d2h89...", ....
# using cURL
> curl --data '{"client_id":"$OAUTH_CLIENT_ID","client_secret":"$OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET","grant_type":"token","code":"2r90j212j901jdf9jdj9dj0n"}'
Refreshed tokens can be used the same way as other access tokens.
For all expired access tokens with a refresh token, its refresh token can only be used for the period defined by oauth_refresh_token_expires_in
(default: 1 year) since the access token expired.
Inspired by the OAuth 2.1 Framework RFC.
By default, the option oauth_refresh_token_protection_policy
is set to "rotation"
. This consists of the following rules:
and "none"
are also supported.