Resource Indicators

The oauth_resource_indicators features allows to scope a grant to a (or a group of) specific resources, identified by a URL.

Who is it for

Applications which require different access levels per resource server, and to prevent “scope leaks”, where a token with certain permissions is compromised, but cannot affect other resource servers besides the one which leaked.

How to enable it

plugin :rodauth do
  enable :oauth_authorization_code_grant, :oauth_resource_indicators


Enabling the :oauth_resource_indicators enables the support of the “resource” param in the following URLs.

GET /authorize

  • "resource": The resource (or resources) which the grant is scoped to.


POST /authorize

  • "resource": The resource (or resources) which the grant is scoped to.

POST /token

  • "resource": The resource (or resources) which the token is scoped to (when there’s an associated grant, the resources should be a subset or all the resources the grant is scoped to.


Resource Indicators can also be used with oauth_jwt (resources will be set as an array in the "aud"claim from JWT access tokens).

Token introspection

When used with the oauth_token_introspection feature, the instrospection response contains the resources under the "aud" field.
