Note: introduced in 1.2.0
the :callbacks
plugin exposes some session-level callbacks for the most common cases one would like to introspect around:
For each of them, a session-level function exists to set up a callback:
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_connection_opened do |origin, socket|
puts "connection opened!!"
end.on_request_completed do |request|
puts "request to #{request.uri} sent"
end.on_response_completed do |request, response|
puts "request to #{request.uri} finished with code #{response.status}"
You can call the same function to establish multiple callbacks to the same event:
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_response_completed do |request, response|
# callback 1
end.on_response_completed do |request, response|
# callback 2
The :connection_opened
event gets called whenever a connection too a given origin is established. This happens after:
The callback exposes the origin uri and the socket object.
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_connection_opened do |origin, socket|
_, port, _, ip = socket.peeraddr
puts "connection to #{origin} opened (#{ip}:#{port})!!"
It’s worth noting that, if there are multiple requests to the same origin, which will share the connection, this callback will be called just once.
The :connection_closed
event gets called whenever a connection to a given origin is terminated. As with the above, the origin uri and the socket object:
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_connection_closed do |origin, _|
puts "connection to #{origin} closed!!"
The :request_started
event gets called when a request is about to be buffered for sending. At this point, no bytes will have been sent to the origin yet.
It exposes a HTTPX::Request object (you can access attributes, but do not call functions in the callback which may change object state):
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_request_started do |request|
puts "request #{request.uri} started!!"
The :request_body_chunk
event gets called when a request body chunk has been buffered for sending. At this point, the exposed chunk has not been sent to the origin yet!
It exposes a HTTPX::Request object as well as the buffered chunk (a ruby string):
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_request_body_chunk do |request, chunk|
puts "request body chunk for #{request.uri} buffered (#{chunk.bytesize} bytes)!!"
The :request_completed
event gets called when a request has been considered “sent”, meaning, at this point, its last bits of information are buffered and ready to be sent!
It exposes a HTTPX::Request object:
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_request_completed do |request|
puts "request #{request.uri} completed!!"
The :response_started
event gets called when the a response has been at least partially received, i.e. containing its HTTP headers.
It exposes a HTTPX::Request and its HTTPX::Response object (you can access attributes, but do not call functions in the callback which may change object state):
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_response_started do |request, response|
puts "#{request.uri} received a response (status code #{response})!!"
Note: This callback is not called for partial response (i.e. 1xx status code). It’s also not called for 3xx redirect responses when using the :follow_redirects plugin.
The :response_body_chunk
event gets called when the a response has received a body chunk from the origin server.
It exposes a HTTPX::Request, its HTTPX::Response object, and the received chunk (a ruby string):
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_response_body_chunk do |request, response, chunk|
puts "#{request.uri} received a response chunk (#{chunk.bytesize} bytes)!!"
The :response_completed
event gets called when the a response has been fully received.
It exposes a HTTPX::Request and its HTTPX::Response object:
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_response_completed do |request, response|
puts "#{request.uri} completed (status code #{response}, #{response.body.bytesize} bytes)!!"
The :request_error
event gets called when an error occurred for a given request.
It exposes a HTTPX::Request and the error object (a ruby exception):
HTTPX.plugin(:callbacks).on_request_error do |request, error|
puts "#{request.uri} failed (#{error.message})!!"
Next: Content Digest