HTTP requests from a session are thread-safe.
Each Session maintains its own thread-safe connection pool. Pools can be configured via the :pool_options
option, using the following variables:
: maximum number of connections a pool allows (default: Float::INFINITY
: the number of seconds a session will wait for a connection to be checked out (default: 5
)Each time a request is to be performed, a matching connection to the given origin and set of options will be checked out from the pool; if there is none, and the threshold of connections to that origin ((defined by the :max_connections_per_origin
pool option)) isn’t reached, a new one will be initiated; if the threshold has been reached, the thread will wait for some seconds (defined by the :pool_timeout
pool option), after which, if there’s none available, a HTTPX::PoolTimeoutError
exception is raised. After requests are performed and the session no longer needs it, the connection is checked back into the pool.
# same (default) pool do |i|
# requests performed on the same (default) connection, initialized with the default options.
Thread.start do
# 4 separate sessions, 4 different pools do |i|
# each pool will manage its own connection to "" origin
Thread.start do
http = HTTPX.accept("application/json")
# session with maximum 3 number of connections per origin and a pool timeout of 10 seconds
http = HTTPX.with(pool_options: { max_connections_per_origin: 3, pool_timeout: 10 }) do |i|
# 3 connections max allowed by the pool, last request will wait for the first of the others to finish.
Thread.start { http.get("{i}") }
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